About Us

At Info Bird - Job Portal, we believe in the transformative power of meaningful work. We understand that the right job can be more than just a source of income; it can be a source of fulfillment and growth. Our mission is to connect talented individuals with opportunities that align with their skills, passions, and aspirations.

Our Services

We offer well planned candidate search for employers and job search for candidates. 

Advertise a job

Employer will get relevant candidate resumes by advertise his job easily.

CV search

We proudly introduce CV package for get desired candidate resumes for Employer.

Employer Profiles

Candidates easily understand Employer's profiles by established year, Location and vacancies

Candidate Profiles

Employer can analyze candidate qualification, skill and awards. So Employer could recruit standard candidates.

Display jobs

We display jobs by Category, Salary and Location. So Candidates can understand vacancies.

For Employers

We offer 2 packages for employers. CV package and Job posting package. Employer find relevant candidate by packages.

  • 520Applications
  • 38Job Posted
  • 883Total Views
  • 56Total Employers

About Info Bird - Job Portal

We are not just a job portal, we are your partners in career success. Our team is made up of dedicated professionals who are passionate about creating a positive impact on people's lives through meaningful employment. We believe that when individuals find the right job fit, they become not just employees, but contributors to a thriving and dynamic community.

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    I was looking for a job after matriculation due to some personal and domestic issues. I found a job but they did not pay me well. I thought I would never be able to find a good job. Anyhow I took a look at the jobs posted by.

    James Watson

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    Finding my dream job was a breeze, thanks to this incredible job portal! The user-friendly interface made navigation a pleasure, and the extensive range of job listings catered to my specific preferences.

    Rick Wilson
